Meeting Minutes — Torch Club of the Fox Valley
Meeting Minutes
19 September 2024
Torch Club of the Fox Valley
Notes taken by: Sue Bennett, Secretary
ATTENDEES: Sue Bennett (via Zoom), Nancy Van Rooy Bodway, David Debbink, Marcia Debbink, Paul Freiberg, Walt Hedges, Barb Kelly, Bill Kelly, Dale Lewellyn, Kris Stahl (via Zoom), Peter Thiel.
Guest: John Palmquist
BUSINESS MEETING: Bill called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Bill welcomed Peter’s guest, John Palmquist. John is retired geology professor from Lawrence University.
MINUTES: There were no corrections or additions to the minutes. A motion was made by David to accept the minutes, which was seconded by Walt. All were in favor and minutes were approved as published.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Barb reported a balance of $2,255.54 as of 5/10/24. There were disbursements of $334.84 for to Paul for reimbursement and Torch Book and receipts of $300.00 from IATC for Delegate reimbursement, leaving a balance of $2,220.70 as of 9/9/24.
It was moved by Marcia and seconded by David to accept the Treasurer’s report. All were in favor and report was approved. Barb also noted that she has paid the annual fee to GoDaddy for our club website. Barb sent around the IATC membership roster for any updates to member information.
VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Bert was not in attendance, so Walt reported for him that there is no one signed up to do presentations January 2025 through May 2025. Bill suggested to Walt that he put the signup sheet on the table and that he strongly urge members to sign up on their way out.
OLD BUSINESS: We are still working on getting books in honor of our late member, Mary Paulson. She was a professor at Lawrence University and according to her daughter had a love of poetry. Bill asked if anyone had any connections to the Lawrence library. John Palmquist mentioned that he may know of a contact there. Otherwise, suggestions are welcome.
NEW BUSINESS: Peter brought up that the club had established the amount of $75.00 for books in honor or deceased members quite some years ago. He moved that we increase the donation amount to $100.00. After a brief discussion, the motion was seconded by Paul and all were in favor. The motion passed and the donation will now be $100.00.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: David thanked Bill and Barb for hosting the summer party.
Barb had an IATC video made for the 100 th Anniversary, which can also be viewed on their website. She played the video while dinner was being served.
It was moved by Walt and seconded by Dale to adjourn. All were in favor and business meeting was adjourned at 6:15 p.m.
Dinner was enjoyed and followed by the evening’s presentation.
Presentation by: Paul Freiberg
Autonomous Vehicles, Part II. Thoughts on the (Second) Revolution.
Paul gave an informative and thought-provoking follow-up to his previous paper. An energetic session of questions and comments followed.