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Meeting Minutes

September 13, 2007

Present: Jim Baumbach, Al Button, Janet Wullner-Faiss Cloak, Travis Christopher, Christine Cross, Scott Cross, David Debbink, Marcia Debbink, Barbara Kelly, Bill Kelly, Peter Thiel, Donna Weis, Leonard Weis.

Guests: Alice Baumbach (Jim), Alan Blake (the Kellys).

PRESIDENT Barbara Kelly called the meeting to order. After a warm welcome to the guests, they and we each gave a brief description of ourselves.  Although she didn’t remember it at that moment, she intended to express appreciation for all of the efforts of her predecessor as President, Al Button, and to ask for a round of applause from the group in acknowledgement of all he has done for the club. 

MINUTES of May 10 were not available for approval but David Debbink does have them and will send them out asap.   There was no need to approve those of 6 August, the Executive meeting.

Treasurer Peter Thiel reported the receipt of $250 from National as an incentive for our sending of delegates to the IATC annual convention. He reported a balance of $1033.89. Al will submit service charges.

Dues are due next month: $70

Barbara handed out the “Schedule of Activities” which can also be found on the website.

The website will be used as archival space for Minutes and other information. She will bring a camera to the next meeting to photograph new members.

Delegates to the 2009 Conference thus far will be: Al Button, Travis Christopher, Barbara & Bill Kelly, Leonard & Donna Weis.  Travis and Len are on the agenda to present information about our 2009 convention.  Tentatively as of now the Kelly’s will be the official delegates. 

2009 CONFERENCE REPORT (Leonard Weis & Travis Christopher)

Tour possibilities: Weis Museum and others (Weis Museum is working on a special program involving grade school children)  Wants to combine 2 or more places (e.g. Paper Museum & Hearthstone) in order to reduce bus time.

They have explored concerns about liability insurance, and feel that is under control.

Travis reported that there will be 3 working committees, and that they should be appointed by November/December.

David Debbink asked about demographics. Travis said they were heavily retirees or near retirees. Lamers buses are very accommodating.

Brainstorming  ideas for tour locations proceeded.  We will just list them out at this point, and then discuss further with a chance for members to advocate for their choices at the next meeting.

Some thoughts that were not about tours, but relevant to the convention: 

Len mentioned that we should make all this information available at the 2008 Convention.   We want to think about combinations and put together 4 to 5 packages (1/2 day experiences). At our next meeting we want to discuss possibilities and advocate for the best choices.

A special “Happy Birthday” wish was offered to Alice Baumbach, who was celebrating a major milestone that evening.  Ever a person of supreme confidence, she boldly announced that she was 70 years old.

A delightful Round Robin followed dinner, each person talking for no longer than 5 minutes about an item of special interest to him/her. It seems unanimous that we get to know each other a bit better each time we have these opportunities.

Janet Wullner-Faiss Cloak


©2011 Torch Club of the Fox Valley