2007-08 Schedule of Activities and Deadlines
- August
6, 2007
- Summer Executive Cte. Meeting
- September 13, 2007
- Speaker:
- All Members Bring in an object to talk about (5 min.
max per person)
- Worksession Topic(s):
- Brainstorm tour locations for convention
- Other Deadlines, etc:
- Dues will be collected at the next meeting.
- October 11, 2007
- Speaker
- Barbara Kelly Net Neutrality
- Worksession Topic(s):
- Advocate for Tour locations
- Other Deadlines, etc:
- Dues due: $70 per member to Peter at this meeting
- Photos will be taken for website & bio. update sheets distributed
- Report contact from Regional Director and discuss possible dues increase from International
- November 8, 2007
- Speaker
- Mary Poulson Is Turkey Turkish Enough
- Worksession Topic(s):
- Brainstorm possible Speakers for convention
- Other Deadlines, etc:
- Receive instructions for nominations for Regional
Director for Region 7
- December 13, 2007
- Speaker
- Peter Thiel Andrew Wyeth, the Artist
- Worksession Topic(s):
- Other Deadlines, etc:
- January 10, 2008
- Speaker
- Leota Ester Poetry for Lee
- Worksession Topic(s):
- Make final decisions re: tours
- Other Deadlines, etc:
- Convention registration fee goes up on Feb. 1
(from $310 to $330)
- February 14, 2008
- Speaker
- Al Button World Fiber Supply Future
- Worksession Topic(s):
- Make final decisions re: speakers
- Other Deadlines, etc:
- Appoint Nomination Committee
- Nominations for Regional Director due March 1
- Paxton Lecture nominations due March 1
- March is the Annual Meeting - announcement should go out at
least 7 days prior and include nominations for officers.
- March 13, 2008
- Speaker
- Al Button World Fiber Supply Future
- Worksession Topic(s):
- Discussion of Convention 09 issues and task assignments.
- Other Deadlines, etc:
- Annual Meeting.
- Election of officers (nominations
published in meeting announcement for this meeting)
- Designation of official
Delegates/Alternates for Convention
- Deadline for Gold and Silver Award
nominations March 31
- April 10, 2008
- Speaker
- Dave Debbink US vs European Energy Policy
- Worksession Topic(s):
- Convention last minute details
- Other Deadlines, etc::
- May 8, 2008
- Speaker
- Len Weis W.S.J. as a source
- Worksession Topic(s):
- Other Deadlines, etc:
- Convention registration up to $350 on May 15.
- Rooms at Eden Resort Inn held til May 24 @$119
- June 26-29, 2008
- IATC Annual Convention in Lancaster, PA
- September 11, 2008
- Speaker
- Marcia Debbink More on Genetic Research

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